"2-Story Bungalow Living"
Before: 2 bed, 1 bath bungalow
After: 4 bed, 2 bath bungalow w/ enlarged remodeled kitchen
Have you decided a full second floor addition is the best solution for your growing family? We can help you protect the value of your largest investment with this sensible approach, which respects the original design of the existing building and streetscape, complete with 4 bedrooms (2 upstairs, 2 downstairs), 2 bathrooms, a large walk in closet and plenty of attic storage. Also included in this design scheme are relocated stairs which allow for an enlarged and remodeled kitchen.
View details of the existing bungalow

Repair masonry where kitchen window sills are raised
Add aluminum gutters and downspout
Extend chimney higher to reuse
Exterior Alterations ​
Meet CBA Design Guidelines to maintain your membership:
Construct addition to be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the front edge of building to minimize the impact on the building and streetscape
Build addition that is compatible to the original building in material, style and proportions
Fiber-cement siding with trim board where it meets brick
Build addition with a similar roof pitch and height as the original building
Hip roof form with dormers to match hip roof of original building​
Asphalt shingles
Match window openings, trim, eaves and other details as closely as possible to the original building

Exterior Plans
Exterior 3D Renderings

Structural Reinforcement
Typically, the floor structure of an existing attic is actually a ceiling joist. To make the attic a livable space, the existing ceiling joists usually will not meet the Chicago Building Code requirements for a floor structure and will have to be reinforced to support the new use of space and new load.
Possible reinforcement of existing beams and columns in basement to support added load​​
Interior Alterations ​
Second floor (footprint altered)
Add set-back addition to provide more usable second floor space, including:
1 master bedroom​ w/ large walk-in closet
1 bedroom w/closet
1 full bathroom (accessible from hallway)
8' ceiling height ​
Front attic storage area (accessible from master bedroom)
Shared plumbing piping for new bathroom above first floor bathroom
New relocated staircase to second floor and basement
Relocate staircase to existing pantry
Allows for enlarged kitchen
Rear first floor bedroom reduced somewhat to accommodate stairs
First floor (spatial use altered)
Remodel and enlarge kitchen:
Raise kitchen window sills to add base cabinets
Add counter space by relocating staircase to where pantry was
New cabinets, appliances and modern amenities
Basement to remain unfinished

System Upgrades​
​Extend chimney higher so existing boiler and hot water heater can possibly be reused
Enlarge existing boiler for hot water radiators or add separate furnace​
Plumbing & Electric
Possible increase, see System Upgrades Design
Interior Plans
Interior 3D Renderings
Project Cost Estimate​
Second Floor Addition
Total Square Footage: 25' x 27' = 675ft² / Cost per Square Foot: $230-285
Includes all exterior alterations, added structural support, 1 new master bedroom w/ walk-in closet, 1 new bedroom w/ closet, 1 full bathroom and new HVAC system
Relocated Staircases
New, relocated staircase to second floor and basement w/ renovated rear first floor bedroom
$5-8k: Remodel first floor bedroom/office +
$16-24k: New stairs x2 (to attic and basement) +
$8k: New stair floor openings x2
Remodel and enlarge kitchen to provide modern amenities
Possible increase in plumbing service w/ new, larger water main
Possible increase in electrical service
Full Project Download
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