Bungalow Listing Kit
To best connect potential buyers to our homeowner resources, you may request a "Bungalow Listing Kit" for free! This specially curated kit will provide you with all the materials and resources we have, to educate you, your clients, and potential buyers on available incentives.
What it includes:
Historic Chicago Bungalow eCertificate
Home Energy Savings Program information—The program offers a free home energy assessment and may include free weatherization services and installation of energy-saving products to help increase comfort, lower utility bills, add value and extend the life of your home.
Other relevant CBA programming information
Certify your Chicago Bungalow Listing for Free!
As a real estate agent, you may certify your Chicago bungalow listing for free to set your listing apart from the rest. A Certified Historic Chicago Bungalow status will bring your buyer one step closer to accessing CBA's eligible programs and resources.
You are eligible for certification if your listing meets the following criteria:
Located in the City of Chicago